Successful Project Portfolio

We have a success history listed below.

3D Bio Printing Company "C"

  • Technology from Harvard Medical School
  • SRA(Sponsored Research Agreement) Entered. Patents and Technology Transferred. Consultation being provided.
  • Product completed in cooperation with the professor of Harvard Medical School
  • Company Value: Successful Fund-raise at KRW 70B in 2 years after the contract

Drug Delivery System Company "D"

  • Technology from Harvard Medical School
  • SRA Entered. Patents Transferred. Technology Being Transferred. Consultation being provided.
  • Product being developed and animal trial undergoing in cooperation with the professor of Harvard Medical School
  • Company Value: Successful Fund-raise at KRW 18B in 1 years after the contract

Medical Device Company "N"

  • Technology from Harvard Medical School
  • SRA Entered. Patents and Technology Transferred. Consultation being provided.
  • Product completed and human trial undergoing in cooperation with the professor of Harvard Medical School
  • Company Value: Successful Fund-raise at KRW 25B in 1.5 year after the contract

Medical AI(Artificial Intelligence)

  • Introduction and negotiation in progress